Hybrid two-dimensional materials:
    Molecular design and applications
    El proyecto PROMETEO/2021/022 está financiado
    por la GV dentro de su Programa de I+D+I
1. In terms of representation and transfer activities, private contracting projects have been carried out, as well as competitive innovation projects. All of them are innovation projects and aim to develop technologies and bring them closer to the market. On the other hand, there have also been collaborations with Technological Institutes, which are key in the transition from the laboratory to the company.

Innovation Projects - Companies

9 projects have been closed, amounting to €715,000 dedicated exclusively to innovation and development. The most important projects are presented:

• Design, manufacture and evaluation of ICMol-2DChem anti-corrosion materials (Galol- Non-competitive)
• Continuation Project: Research & development of supercapacitors based on graphene nanomaterials. (Graphenano- Non competitive)
• Obtaining the molecular and structural formula of HS class (Graphenano- Non competitive)
• Obtaining the molecular and structural formula of BioGraph compatibilised graphene nanofibres (Graphenano Medical Care-Non competitive)
• Development and optimisation of lithium battery prototypes based on LFP cathode technology. (Power Electronics-Non competitive)
• Maintenance and development of a scientific business innovation unit (AVI-Competitive)
• Research and development of an integral biotechnological system for the cleaning and disinfection of pathogens with applications in food safety and the clinical field (BIOCLEAN). (AVI-Competitive)
• Development of 100% recyclable flexible barrier packaging through the additivation of LDHs in coatings (LDHPACK). (AVI-Competitive)
• Magnetic Super Capacitor Hybrid High Performance Capacitors (MAGCAP) (Ministry of Science and Innovation- Call for Aid to R&D&I Projects for Proofs of Concept-Competitive)

Institutes of Technology

Contacts and collaboration have been made with the following technological centres for the development of devices to increase the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of the technologies.

Institute of Microelectronics / Microelectronics / To evaluate the compatibility of a new material developed by ICM-UV for inclusion in a CMOS manufacturing process and to study the effects of dimensional scaling on its properties.

Nanophotonics Centre / Electronics / New Ultra Low Power Integrated Light Switching Technology

ITENE / Packaging / Developing new high barrier coatings

2. Continuity of the Scientific Unit for Business Innovation (UCIE). The Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI) established a UCIE at ICMol in 2018 and it has been maintained until today. The UCIE is conceived as a functional structure of multidisciplinary and translational research, aimed at transferring the results obtained by the ICMol groups that can respond to the specific needs of companies.

3. Creation of a Spin-Off. During this year we have been working on the creation of a technology-based company to promote the hybrid materials made at the centre. This company is still in the creation phase, establishing the business plan and processing the requirements of the University of Valencia. During this year, an effort has been made to focus on the objective, working on the value proposal, the business model canvas, which has resulted in a preliminary business plan. Over the next few years, the company will be monitored in order to learn from its experience and be able to transfer this knowledge to the rest of the ICMol members.

4. Transfer internationalisation activities. With regard to internationalisation in the field of transfer, work has focused on the activities described below. One of the most relevant results has been the submission of a Pathfinder to the HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01-04 call.
1. Prospecting and detection of opportunities: analysis and monitoring of the different international R&D funding programmes in which ICMol can participate.

2. Promotion of opportunities: the implementation of an internal communication strategy has been initiated in which the different news on calls for proposals, preparation of future work programmes, possibilities of participation of researchers as experts in the different Horizon Europe programmes, market needs, etc. are communicated at an early stage.

3. Positioning: ICMol has set itself the strategic objective of international positioning through its participation in the different activities carried out in European Technology Platforms, Public-Private Partnerships, Networks, etc. ICMol's participation in many of these platforms and networks is recent and in others it is not yet involved. The priority entities for these actions are the International Technology Platforms Suschem (sustainable chemistry), Materplat (materials), Fotónica21 (photonics), Futured (energy), Nanomed (nanomedicine), Eumat (advanced materials) and other international bodies such as the European Regions Research & Innovation Network (ERRIN), as well as public-private technology initiatives sponsored by the EU such as the Bio-Based Industries Consortium (BIC), Sustainable Process Industry (SPIRE) and the European Green Vehicles Initiative (EGVI), among others.

4. Promotion: together with ICMol's communication unit, work is being carried out on campaigns for the internationalisation of the ICMol brand at European level.

5. Representation: representation of ICMol before international institutions, organisations, entities, platforms and companies. The contributions of ICMol researchers will be channelled into the preparation of the work programmes of the Horizon Europe programme and others.

6. Detection of initiatives: prospecting for opportunities that are emerging in Europe and the search for partners and consortia.
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