Hybrid two-dimensional materials:
    Molecular design and applications
    El proyecto PROMETEO/2021/022 está financiado
    por la GV dentro de su Programa de I+D+I
The RTMM is currently made up of the following permanent staff: the head of the group (E. Coronado), three associated professors (J.M. Clemente-Juan, M. Clemente-León and A. Forment-Aliaga), and two contracted Senior Doctors (R. Córdoba and S. Cardona-Serra). In addition, the group has 14 post-docs, (Marie Curie scholarship, Juan de la Cierva, and hired under research projects, among others) and 25 PhD students funded by the Ministry of Science (FPI and FPU scholarships), by the Generalitat Valenciana and by the University of Valencia. Finally, the group has technical research support staff (7 people) and a management unit (5 people), all financed with either research projects or permanent positions at the UV.

To develop the present proposal, the most involved researchers, other than the 6 members of the work team, are:

Postdoctoral Researchers:
• Dr. J. J. Baldoví (JJB): Theoretical modelling of molecular/2D heterostructures based on SCO molecules coupled to 2D superconductors.
• Dr. E. Nuin (EN): Organic chemistry; chemistry and functionalization of 2D materials.
• Dr. Ziqi Hu (ZH): Carbon nanoforms; chemistry and functionalization of 2D materials.
• Dr. J. Romero (JR): Materials and chemical engineering; Chemical exfoliation and assembly of LDH materials; electrochemical characterization; fabrication of electrochemical devices based on 2D materials.
• Dr. J. A. Carrasco (JAC): Chemistry of LDH materials; chemical exfoliation of LDHs; functionalization and assembly of LDH sheets.
• Dr. M. Coronado-Puchau (MCP): Colloidal chemistry; functionalization and assembly of TMDs sheets.
• Dr. M. Yaghouti (MY): Theoretical development / programming of effective and QM/MM models for large scale device modelling.

Predoctoral Researchers:
• S. Mañas (SM), S. Elidrissi (SE) and C. Boix (CB): Growth and exfoliation of TMD crystals; fabrication of hybrid molecular/2D heterostructures and electronic devices; magneto-transport and optical measurements.
• D. Esteras (DE): Theoretical modelling of 2D materials.
• M. Gavara (MG): Growth of 2D materials and molecular ultrathin films; sublimable SCO molecules; synchrotron measurements.
• S. Giménez-Santamarina (SGS): DFT-based molecular calculations. Molecular dynamics approaches for multiscale modeling of molecule-based materials. Statistical analysis of results
• C. Prado (CP): Vertical and horizontal fabrication of devices, by either evaporation, solution methods or nanolithography.
• A. Nuñez (AN), S. Azeem (SA) and I. Gómez (IG): colloidal chemistry of 2D materials; chemical functionalization and assembly of 2D materials; thin film fabrication.
• A. Seijas (AS): Chemistry of LDH materials; fabrication of chemical heterostructures; electrochemical characterization; fabrication of electrochemical devices based on 2D materials

ICMol has been working in the promotion of gender equality since its foundation in 2000, both within the institution (through its hiring policy, which has proved to be successful, attracting pre-doctoral trainees of both genders and stimulating scientists to apply to post-doctoral positions) and in its projection to society by means of education, research, knowledge transfer, cultural diffusion and socio-cultural innovation. The University of Valencia, to which ICMol belongs, has an Equality Unit which mainly aims to implement the right to equal treatment and opportunities for women and men (www.uv.es/igualtat). In coordination with this unit, ICMol created in 2016 a Women & Science Work Group to address gender issues at 3 levels: Internal Institute Actions, Academic Actions and Educational Outreach Actions. Our group represents a 30% of the researchers at the ICMol and has been very active in the promotion of equality.
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